Friday, September 26, 2008

kinda funny

So this whole messy bailout have to admit there is a little something funny about it. Because fiscal conservatives & Republicans are saying no, while Democrats are siding with Bush's plan. Haha!!! I'm sorry...what is this argument about "more of the same"? Democrats siding with Bush. Oh man. Sidesplitter. I seriously laughed in my car for 5 minutes this AM.

I also heard this morning that thanks to Lindsey Graham (who actually read the bill, I applaud him), we now know that some of the repayment turned from the bailout will go to funding corrupt, fraudulent housing programs like ACORN. Whooppee!!! First, my tax dollars going to a mess that I had nothing to do with and is already crashing my retirement fund. And now, any repayment from that will go to fraudulent housing programs that benefit me and this nation in NO way.

I'm thinking about moving soon.

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