Sunday, August 31, 2008

best surprise yet

This has been a really fun, unpredictable election year, and McCain's pick of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin is the best surprise yet. Funny because I first read up on her last month and became a fan, and was alerted by a reader back in May of the liberal fear of her being added to the Republican ticket. Here is a great article in the NY Times about the process.

I still haven't watched Obama's acceptance speech. From what I've heard, it wasn't anything we haven't already heard from Obama. He's a good speaker. He likes to talk change. He likes to put himself in front of a temple - what's up with that? But what I really like about his speech is that instead of everyone talking about it the next morning, everyone was talking guessed it. Sarah Palin. McCain stole your thunder Obama. I wonder how mad Obama was about that.

I think Palin is an awesome choice, for a couple of reasons. It's unexpected, but she is a solid leader. Exactly the breath of fresh air McCain needed in his campaign, and what we need in Washington. Who better to take on the bureaucracy than someone who fearlessly stood up to corruption in her own political party? And so what if she was mayor of a small town and governor of a far away state? I think the farther she is from Washington politics, the better. She is a true outsider. And she has real executive experience, something Obama, Biden, and McCain don't have. And while she may not have much foreign relations experience, McCain does, so I think that balances out, and she can learn a lot in the months to come from him and his advisers.

If you want change, then you want someone like Palin. Not Obama, not Biden. What real change has Obama brought to this country in his years in the Senate? What real change has Biden brought in his many many years in the Senate? Here we have a woman who hasn't even finished her first term as Governor and has brought IMMENSE change to her state.

The one thing that makes me really angry already...I was at a party on Friday and overheard a woman co-worker say to another co-worker "I don't think she can be a mother and the Vice President." Is that not the most sexist thing? I don't know if this co-worker is a Republican or Democrat, but either way, that mindset is really disappointing. Why can't women be wives & mothers AND follow whatever dream/career path they want? Women have come such a long way, and to dismiss Sarah Palin on this ludicrous idea that you can't be a mother and VP of the US is a slap in the face to all American women. I really admire Palin for what she has been able to accomplish: good wife, good mother, good leader. What a shining example she is to American women everywhere, regardless of your political affiliation.

1 comment:

Ryan Duckworth said...

Did you hear about her 17 year old daughter?