Thursday, August 28, 2008

a humbling place

I have learned so much in just 1 week in A Woman's Heart...a LOT of reading! But more than that, I'm super excited about the women that I will be surrounded with every Wednesday for the next couple months. I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest woman there, but I think that puts me in a good place, a humbling place. I have so much to learn, and these ladies have so much wisdom from their lives to impart.

I didn't know this when I signed up, but the leader of our group has been through some crazy times. She gave her testimony at church a couple weeks ago, but I missed it (I've been going to the later service). Anyway last night she told us a little bit about her struggle in trusting God through hard times. She didn't go into too much detail but mentioned that they had put her testimony on YouTube. So of course I looked it up and posted it for you here. About 5 minutes in, she mentions having a breakdown at church and having verses from Daniel prayed over her. And then, her husband had read those same verses that morning. God works in simply amazing, powerful ways.

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