Thursday, August 21, 2008


As each day of the Beijing Olympics continues, I hear new, disturbing stories of China's totalitarian, oppressive regime. Why does this not sicken anyone else? Why doesn't the news report it? I just watched rhythmic gymnastics, and I'm awed by the artistry, but then I see the red China flags and can't even enjoy what I'm watching because I think of all the atrocities going on underneath the facade. Because as I watched the games, I was also browsing the NY Times and found this lovely article:

Too Old and Frail to Re-educate? Not in China

Yeah that's right, 2 little old ladies, 77 and 79 years old, sentenced to labor for protesting the government not compensating them fairly when their homes were seized for redevelopment. The best part: they were in a government sanctioned area of protest. But oh no, that does not stop China.

Is this what we want to praise? Is this the way we want the world to go?

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