Thursday, August 28, 2008

quick thoughts on the Dem convention

I haven't watched too much of the Democratic convention, mostly because I can catch the highlights the next day. Based from the highlights, all I've seen from the Democrats are a bunch of emotional speeches that have little to nothing to do with the actual issues at stake. I don't want to sound negative or bitter, but if I was a Democrat, I think I'd be feeling a little empty right now. Stories are good...but there is so much more at stake here than happy feelings.

First we had Michelle Obama (click for video & transcript) and the kids. A nice speech on her family, upbringing, why she loves America, etc etc. Nice. It's a lot easier to say you love your country in a contrived speech. But when you're out on the campaign trail and really speak your mind, and your words there don't match up to your speeches, then I have a hard time believing you. I kind of wanted her to apologize for the things that she has said, because she truly offended me. And then, the kids are cute...but is this campaign about cute kids talking to their daddy or is this about the American people and the struggles we are facing right now?

Then Hillary...oh Hillary. How sad I am for you. This was supposed to be your convention. You did what you had to do...but I don't think you really believe in his candidacy. And I'm sorry but I really laughed when you said "sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits" (did you really go there?) and when you said "no way, no how, no McCain." Is that even correct grammar?

Then Bill, then Biden. I hear Biden's speech has been the weakest. "Standard and uninspiring" according to the U.S. News & World Report. Is Obama already rethinking his VP choice? Hillary anyone?

And tonight we have Obama...I don't expect anything less than full throttle praise in the morning. If he delivered the worst speech in the world, would people still praise it? I find it increasingly hard to believe that the world would criticize him, even when it's due to him.

And in other news, McCain is airing an ad congratulating Obama right around the time that he does his speech. Surprise or not?

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