Friday, August 15, 2008

highs & lows

You would think after a career high 14 mile run, I'd be more motivated to keep on running. Ha.

Yeah, I haven't run all week.

It did rain 2 that threw a little kink in my running plan.

I just don't know what's wrong with me...why is it so hard to get up in the morning and just do it? I only lasted 1 week on the early AM plan. This week I pushed the snooze button every day it went off. I know I can run so ability isn't the issue. I went from highest of highs to lowest of lows.

Tomorrow I'm going for a bike ride on the Comet with a co-worker...maybe it's good to take frequent running vacations? I mean, I have been running since does get tiring & I need some new routes. That & the fact that I really only have 5 weeks of long runs left in my training plan, yet Disney is 4 months away. It's easy to just rest on laurels & not push for more.

Need some motivation!

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