Links of the day...
From Fox/via Ryan...if you took a US citizenship test today, would you pass it? It was recently updated, and you can check out the 100 questions here. Just thought you might want to brush up on your United States 101 while Biden & Palin brush up on their foreign policy :)
And here are some more links to help you communicate with your elected officials:
A one-click site to tell your leaders to vote no to the bailout - Vote No Bailout!
If you want to talk to your officials on any subject, check out the easy process on Congress's website. Just put your zipcode in and it will list all your officials, from state to federal to president. You can select which ones you want to write to (all of them if you want!), and fill out the form. Click send and you're done! Easy peasy.
And one last link for today..."As in a Bomb Going Off" by King Banaian (via Hot Air). This a pro-bailout article that conservatives should consider. When I say pro-bailout, I don't mean the bailout that is being voted on tonight. The government can (and should, since a lot of this mess is caused by previous bad govt decisions) take actions to help the markets, but do so without meddling so much with them & our money.
I like this paragraph:
"Free markets do not mean always private markets. Free markets mean markets with an absence of coercion. It is possible for government to step forward for a missing market and not be coercive. A bailout that did not consume taxpayer dollars would be one example. Forcing banks to alter their lending standards would be coercive and unfree. "
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Yall should talk with Kyle about the bailout plan. You know he is super-conservative and hates all things that involve govt intervention - but having the depth of understanding of the industry that he does, he is actually very for the bailout and has convinced me that it's necessary too. He can explain it more than I can, but I think the point is that if something doesn't happen then us normal folks will be a lot more affected than the public really understands - it will hit home to anyone needing a loan of any sort. Do I think they need to make sure the plan is as smartly done as possible - yes. But I've been convinced that it is necessary. Anyways - that's my input! So I'm here to say - don't tell them not to vote for it! Tell them to get as many SMART changes to it but to realize that something needs to be done and the right thing needs to be done rather than being swayed just for the coming election's sake.
You say
"I'm at the starting line of the rest of my life."
So learn to think for yourself instead of listening to Right-wing hate spew.
My daughter would not have tolerated that hateful nasty stuff in 6th grade.
Hey Meg! I think the government does have a responsibility to help the markets, especially when it's partly their fault for what's happening. But the way in which they are going about it doesn't sit too well with me. And...what if their plan fails? And then we have all this fiat currency floating around...then inflation...what's plan B? I think they could do a lot better job and pass a better bill...but I would love to hear what Kyle's professional opinion :) Y'all should come to the GOP HQ tomorrow for the debate!
And Nunya...I'm not sure what you mean by hate spew! If there's anything I don't do or tolerate, it's hate.
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