Friday, October 10, 2008

21 days til I head to battle!

So it's official! I used my last days of time off (I had already taken off all the holidays & vacation that I had planned for the year...and still had leftover), and I decided to put them to good use by volunteering in a battleground state for McCain-Palin. Since I've voted already, and I had those days to take, and I'll be in Florida anyway after the election for Epcot Food & Wine...I figured, why not? I'm young & mobile & this is a HUGE election. Why not go to a battleground state?

I'm going down 10/31 and requested to be stationed in Tampa (free place to stay with my aunt! who is also a Republican. So she's really proud of me :)). I also requested Jacksonville for 11/1 for the Georgia/Florida game. Hehehe. Ulterior motive?? Nahhhh.

Anyway, I am really, really excited! I can't wait to get down there. I promise to take TONS of pictures. Who knows? I may get to meet McCain and/or Palin!

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