Wednesday, October 8, 2008

oh no, he didn't

He did. He said those two words that make me cringe: right and fair.

Now these 2 words are not bad in and of themselves. But how does Obama use them?

"Healthcare is a right." Oh no, it's not! Is it a right for someone to get healthcare when they haven't worked for it? Is it a right for them to be able to get coverage because I end up having to pay for them? It's not a right. I'm sorry. In a perfect world, we would all have healthcare. But this isn't a perfect world, and if you can't get coverage, yes it sucks. I have friends that don't have health insurance right now. But they deal with it. And they're trying to make their situations better on their own. No government intervention. Who in their right mind actually thinks that the government can do a good job providing & managing healthcare for every American? And just how much is a universal healthcare plan going to cost? I don't want to know. And what about my rights? McCain's answer was much better on this: healthcare is a responsibility. Personal responsibility people!!!

And then fairness...the way Obama uses it, he wants everything to be "fair." Well, let me translate that for you. "Fair", in light of Obama's answers in this debate, equals socialism. Redistribution of wealth. He doesn't think it's fair for CEOs to have so much money, or tax breaks. I'm not a CEO and will probably never make that much money, but I don't think it's fair for the government to tax them any more than the next guy, the average Joe 6-pack ;). What is fair is that every American work as hard as they can or want to, and for them to be able to keep what they have earned. That's why this is America, the land of opportunity, where anything can happen. What happens when that homeless guy off the street starts working and makes a better life for himself, moves up in the world, becomes a CEO. Then what? The government under Obama's plan is going to say "Well done worker! Now give us a big old chunk of your income. That's your reward." What is "fair" about that? Nothing. It's not fair for the government to increase the tax burden on so many of us in order to give away more money to worthless programs that don't benefit us directly. Plus, the more money we keep, the more we can spend, and the better off our economy will be.

Anyway...that is my rant for the day. I don't think McCain had a very stellar performance either, and hello! What is this about the govt buying up bad mortgages? Horrible idea.

Here is a great play by play from Michelle Malkin that I think captures the essence of the frustration I felt while watching last night.

And here is the whole debate, in case you missed it:

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