Monday, October 13, 2008


First, from CNN, commentary on 20 ways Obama agrees with Bush. Who is "more of the same" now?

Then...I've been having lots of political conversations lately. I haven't done much of the talking, just more of the listening. I love listening to people, especially in such a tumultuous time. What are people thinking? How do people really feel apart from what the mainstream media is telling us?

At a Young Republicans social, I heard a lot from an "angry conservative" about healthcare. He brought up a good question. Why does your employer pick your healthcare for you? Why is that a good idea?

Over the weekend, I spent some time down South, where McCain-Palin signs abounded and I ran 13 miles around beautiful pecan orchards and farms (more on that later). But I had the privilege of meeting a real Southern boy who is also a big Obama supporter. Thankfully we were able to have a civil discussion over a wide range of topics. What I thought was cool was our total agreement against the bailout. Isn't that crazy? From such different viewpoints of the world, but we both oppose the bailouts. And we also agreed that McCain would do what needs to be done, if Obama were to lose. I was just amazed how similar we were, for being so different.

Then coming home yesterday, I had a good talk with my aunt. She had lots of questions...why isn't McCain making a bigger deal about ACORN? When is McCain going to turn up the heat? What is he waiting for? I didn't have any answers for her. I have many of those same questions. With the homestretch in sight, I feel like McCain's just not going in the right direction.

Anyone else want to share?

1 comment:

Bufyluver said...

I'm so glad you guys could have a "civil" discussion. Haha. It turned out way better than I thought it would. :)