Saturday, November 8, 2008

to do list

so after the election, I came up with a short to do list. Of course, this is all for worst-case scenario for the next 4 years.

1. Memorize the Constitution.
Gotta know what it says before it's changed in light of a Pres who favors a (very) liberal interpretation of it.
2. Buy a gun.
Want to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights in light of a Pres who opposes them.
3. Save all the money I can.
This is hard seeing as I barely make enough money to make it every month. And the holidays are coming up...but in light of a Pres who's economics include the words "redistribution of wealth" and higher taxes if we weren't in a bad economic time, I want to make sure I have as much cash liquidity as possible. Not spending money on anything I don't need.

And as a side anyone else getting the feeling that "change" has already become irrelevant for Obama? Picking Rahm Emanuel, a product of the Chicago political machine who also worked in the Clinton administration...that's definitely looking back towards the old way of doing things. Not to mention what a partisan choice it is...oh and he was on the board of Freddie Mac. The only good thing I've heard about him is that he would take a more moderate position when it comes to the economic crisis. I've been reading other names being circulated for his cabinet, and I can't say that I'm overly thrilled.

Stay optimistic, stay optimistic.


Anonymous said...

To do list #2 contradict to do list #3 " . .barely make enough money . . ." where will the money be coming from to execute #2?

Please don't stop contributing "new" money to your 401k money market portfolio.

Proverbs 14:1

love - Tatay B-)

Bufyluver said...

A gun, really? Isn't that a little over-dramatic? Haha. What do you need a gun for anyway?

kiwi said...

Ah, I guess I should put #3 as #2. Save money first, then buy a gun. I am still contributing to my 401k, but I may stop if the Dems seize control of our 401ks and turn them in to GRAs. I want to keep control of money.

It may be a little over-dramatic...but like I said, this is my to do list if the next 4 years are worst-case scenario. Stay tuned! :)