Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I want to encourage everyone to vote today, but please please please do some research first!

As I was driving back into the city today, I was listening to The Bert Show and they had a segment where they asked people a series of pop culture and political questions. Of course...most people only knew the answers to the pop questions, which ranged in answer from Britney Spears to Heath ledger to Soulja Boy's hit song. I don't know if they purposely pick people who might not look they watch/read the news, or if they feed them answers. But these people didn't even know that today is called "Super Tuesday" and one woman thought Oprah was running for president.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised since it's 3:35 and the top story on CNN.com right now is "General Hospital actress dies." It's the most popular story, beating out 5 Super Tuesday-related articles.

If you don't know what you're voting for, maybe you should skip the vote. If you have a minute, it's not that hard to look up the candidate websites and get the info you need. Or, if you do decide to vote blindly, don't complain for the next 4 years about anything political.

Here, just to help:
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Ron Paul

Go vote! You have a few more hours in GA to do so!

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