Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dean Griffin Pi Mile Race

I ran the Pi Mile last weekend...and guess what? It rained! Again...3rd race in a row where it has either rained or been gloomy from rain.

I ran it in 30 min, which is pretty good considering I ran pretty slow for almost 2 of the 3.1 miles. Wanted to stay behind with my old roomie & friend Lindsay. It's not often that I get to run with people, so I really enjoy being social if I know someone at a race! I'm pretty sure I would have had a sub 30 time if I had been running alone. Lindsay finally convinced me to leave her around mile 2. Then it was pretty cool passing so many people, since I had held out for so long. I even passed someone I knew, who called out my name as I was passing him. I was like, I guess I can hang out with you for a bit :) Then picked up the speed again and moved on! I am really starting to love racing!

Lindsay & I before the race

There I am chugging up North Ave, a fun long hill

Just a few strides away from the finish line

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