Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the challenge of simplicity

So I have been reading a book with Meg by Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline. There are a lot of things I don't agree with in his book, but there is one practical thing that has really challenged me so far. And that is the discipline of simplicity. How can living simply help us be more spiritual people? The simpler our lives, the more time we have to focus on the spiritual part of our life, and the less we have to distract us. (Much easier said than done though, because when I look at my life, it's anything but simple! But I'm working on it)

"develop a habit of giving things away"
I love this becuase we all know it's good to give. But do we develop a habit of giving? I want to have that habit. I want giving to be a natural part of my life. I packed up a bag of clothes earlier this week to donate to someone/something, but had no idea really how I was going to donate. And then on Sunday, voila! in the bulletin at church...a women's clothing drive. Coincidence? I think not!

And how hard it is for me to part with my hard-earned money...what little of it I have. Yet what little I have is so much more than millions of people in other parts of the world, who have next to nothing. I'm so wealthy in comparison. I need to get in the habit of giving the blessing away.

"shun anything that distracts you from seeking first the kingdom of God"
"It is so easy to lose focus in the pursuit of legitimate, even good things."
What distracts me? Well when I'm at work it's gmail, facebook, my blog! Haha. And when I'm not at work, it's my blackberry! Oh the irony.

But seriously. When I first moved out on my own, I couldn't afford cable or internet or anything besides the bare essentials. Now I'm doing a little better, and at one time I considered buying an HD tv just because they were on sale for the Super Bowl. I'm so glad I didn't though, and I'm so glad I don't have cable or even internet. Not saying that they are distractions from the kingdom of God, but they aren't essential to my life. Yes, I can survive the evening hours without internet & cable tv. It surprises me! So I don't think I'll be getting either of these any time soon. It is a challenge, but it's almost refreshing not having these amenities any more. Because I actually have to DO something with my life & free time (thank goodness for running :)

And...sometimes I even turn off the berry in the evenings. The berry is something I really want to get rid of! Not letting work life complicate life.

So I'll leave you with what Foster left me at the end of his chapter on simplicity:
"May God give you - and me - the courage, the wisdom, the strength to hold the kingdom of God as the number one priority of our lives. To do so is to live in simplicity."

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