Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hope springs eternal 5k

Finally! A post about the Hope Springs Eternal 5k. I had to get pics developed, then scanned...then posted!

Basically, it was a reeeeally hot morning. I donned my Turner Volunteer shirt since it was a Turner event, but that meant I was not wearing my usual cooling running gear. No sweat wicking this time. I had a hat b/c it was so bright out, but maybe that was a bad idea because it too was a heat absorber. The course wasn't too bad until somewhere along mile 2. A nice big hill. Ugh. So I didn't make good time, but it was fun! Cool to do something with co-workers. Free tshirt, fruit, drinks, etc.

Sportin my number and my ridiculously hot (as in retaining huge amounts of heat close to my body) Turner volunteer t-shirt.

Group shot of our Turner volunteer team

Warm-up time

And we're off...

There we go!

Coming around the final bend...really hot & really not happy

Crossing the finish line

Much happier face, no hot shirt on, no hot hat on, and I'm sitting by Thomas Jefferson. Woohoo!

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