Thursday, May 1, 2008

ron paul - back & better than ever

So yesterday I bought a couple more books: Power to the People (Laura Ingraham), Confessions of St. Augustine (St. Augustine), and Our Sacred Honor (Bill Bennett). I've actually been reading Our Sacred Honor, checked it out from the church library. It is so good though - excerpts from the Founding Fathers that give their thoughts on topics ranging from courage to education to courtship. Maybe I will start sharing a daily quote from it.

Anyway, today I see that Ron Paul has a book that has skyrocketed to #1 on Amazon. Intrigued, I had to check it out. Here's what I read in the "Surprise Me" excerpt off Amazon:

In a country with a political debate as restricted as ours, it is revolutionary to ask whether we need troops in 130 countries and whether the noninterventionist foreign policy recommended by our Founding Fathers might not be better. It is revolutionary to ask whether the accumulation of more and more power in Washington has been good for us. It is revolutionary to ask fundamental questions about privacy, police-state measures, taxation, social policy, and countless other matters.

This revolution, though, is not altogether new. It is a peaceful continuation of the American Revolution and the principles of our Founding Fathers: liberty: self-government, the Consitituion, and a noninterventionist foreign policy. That is what they taught us, and that is what we now defend.

It's called The Revolution: A Manifesto. I wish I had known about this book earlier, then I would have lumped it in to my book order from Amazon yesterday. But I am so intrigued and so excited about what I've read so far, that I think I will just have to buy it today. I hope Barnes & Noble has it!

I find Ron Paul so refreshing. I may not agree with his views on Iraq, but maybe he will change my mind.

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